
Thanks to Victor for sharing his album Then and Now. It is now also available in doc format.

Here to access LSC classmates 64
Then and Now

Album in pdf format ...  a better viewing experience.



pdf  needs Adobe Reader or any similar document reader

I have tidied up the draft and call it version 1.0.
There are 34 classmates in the album, and eight still have no teenage photos:

Angelo Lee, Henry Pang, Louis Wong, Christopher Cheung, Pierre Wong, David Ho, Wong KaLun, Tony Yeung.


Send me your pics (group pictures are OK), preferably between Form 3- and Form-7.


Dear Classmates,

I just started this project an hour ago. This is the first draft. Need more old pics.

Victor Lee


The link below should open the photo files without login.  (May need right click, and select "Open Hyperlink").


Class of '64,  

Sincere thanks to all, I cherish each minute of Toronto Reunion. Photos really tell the story.

                      Henry Pang Man-tung

Dear Classmates,

It is unanimous that our 50th anniversary celebration was a huge success. Everyone came away with this warm and fuzzy feeling in the tummy. Yet I have this nagging question: “What is the magic about 2019?”. It's not the Olympics and it's not the World Cup, so why wait another five years?

Like other things in life, if it feels good and if I can still do it, I will keep on doing it.

Let's not wait till 2019 to have another party. There is no reason to.


Dear All,

Please see the attached e-mail from Mr. Sze for your information.  Thanks.



Dear Donna,
Please circulate this photo of the LSC Class of 64 Golden Anniversary Celebrations in Toronto to all Classmates on your circulation list.

Dear Michael,

Grateful if you would forward these to all classmates.


It’s been great seeing you all and I hope to see you again, soon.
Here are some pictures from me.
All the best,



----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello, Toronto Area Locals,

Thank you all for playing hosts at our 50th anniversary reunion - to Angelo for overall organization, to Tony for communication, to David Au for the events, to Pierre for the pens, to George for providing a different perspective, to Michael for securing our place at the barbecue, and to David Ho and Ka Lun for lively conversations.
On a personal level, I would like to thank Tony and Michael for providing me and my wife transportation to where we were staying after the dinners late in the evenings.

Our celebration was a very enjoyable experience for me; it brought back old memories and created new ones. I'll bring them back to Hong Kong to other classmates when I join the Golden Jubilee Celebration in mid November.

Once again, thank you all.


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